Culture · Faith & Life

Why Christians Should Watch Noah

Aronofsky's Noah has been out for just over a week, and it's already stirred up a lot of controversy. Even amongst Christians, there's been a wide range of responses. I've read a bunch of different articles from different perspectives, but really wanted to wait until I'd seen the movie before I could make my own judgement. My wife and I… Continue reading Why Christians Should Watch Noah


40,000 Denominations Worldwide – Christianity Divided?

Some critics of Christianity are keen to point out that, according to best estimates, there are roughly 40,000 Christian denominations worldwide. This is an astoundingly large figure, and some see it as evidence that Christianity is divided. If Christians can't even agree among themselves, how can they make exclusive claims about absolute truth? After a quick search… Continue reading 40,000 Denominations Worldwide – Christianity Divided?