Culture · Faith & Life

Is Christianity Intolerant?

The objection that Christianity is intolerant is increasingly common. "Christians don't accept the views of other people as equally valid. They think that they have a monopoly on truth. They think that they are 'right' and other people are 'wrong'. How bigoted and intolerant!" The Resurgence released a report recently, based on thousands of interviews on… Continue reading Is Christianity Intolerant?

Faith & Life

God Doesn’t Care If You ‘Feel Called’ Or Not

This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. The language of 'feeling called' seems to be ubiquitous in Christian circles. "I really feel called to say this..."; "I've just never really felt called to missions"; "Ever since that point I've just really felt called into the ministry." Why do we talk like that? The language of 'feeling… Continue reading God Doesn’t Care If You ‘Feel Called’ Or Not