
Squid Games Reflections 2: Religious Hypocrisy

[SPOILER ALERT! These posts contain major spoilers for Squid Game. Also, if you're a Christian, it's worth thinking through whether or not this is a show you want to watch] One theme that comes up a bunch of times in Squid Game is religious hypocrisy. It puts Christianity in a pretty bad light, but I… Continue reading Squid Games Reflections 2: Religious Hypocrisy


Squid Game Reflections 1: Human Dignity

[SPOILER ALERT! These posts contain major spoilers for Squid Game. Also, if you're a Christian, it's worth thinking through whether or not this is a show you want to watch] One of the important themes that Squid Game explores is the question of human dignity. I reckon this could be a good opportunity to have… Continue reading Squid Game Reflections 1: Human Dignity


Should Christians Watch ‘Squid Game’?

Recently there's been a lot of buzz about Squid Game, which in just four weeks since its release has become the most popular series on Netflix. It's quite a dark & dystopian series, with heavy themes and a fair amount of violence and gore. So how should Christians think through whether or not they watch… Continue reading Should Christians Watch ‘Squid Game’?


Most Aussies Believe There’s A Higher Power – But How Can We Know?

Over the past year I've started to realise that atheism is perhaps not nearly as common as I thought it was. To be fair, it's pretty easy in 21st century Australia to get the impression that most people don't believe in God. The vast majority of Australians aren't in church on any given Sunday, and… Continue reading Most Aussies Believe There’s A Higher Power – But How Can We Know?


Three Things I Learned From A Semester of Walk-Up Evangelism

This year I started a new role doing ministry on university campus, which meant doing something very new for me: walk-up evangelism. You know, the thing where you accost a random stranger and try tell them about Jesus. And I'll be completely honest. When I first heard I was gonna be doing it, I was… Continue reading Three Things I Learned From A Semester of Walk-Up Evangelism

Culture · Faith & Life

UK Denies Asylum Seeker Because Christianity Is Not Peaceful

News broke recently of an Iranian man who was applying for asylum in the UK. In his application he mentioned that he had converted from Islam to Christianity, because (in his words) Christianity is a religion of peace while Islam is not (read more here). In his words, "In Islam there is violence, rage, and… Continue reading UK Denies Asylum Seeker Because Christianity Is Not Peaceful


Australia Day: A Time Both To Mourn And To Celebrate

Sadly, Australia Day has become an increasingly polarising topic in our society, with strong opinions in two opposing camps, and (like with so much of discourse nowadays) seemingly very little middle ground. In the one camp, the very notion of 'Australia Day' on January 26 (the day the First Fleet arrived in 1788) is seen… Continue reading Australia Day: A Time Both To Mourn And To Celebrate

Book Review · Culture

God & The Transgender Debate

Transgender issues have increasingly become part of our cultural conversation. And they're not about to disappear. This means Christians need to work hard at engaging thoughtfully and lovingly on this topic – but that's easier said than done. Many Christians have fallen into two opposite errors. On one extreme, many have forsaken the truth of the Bible… Continue reading God & The Transgender Debate


Christians Need To Understand Gender Dysphoria Better

The church has often done a very bad job of understanding and responding to transgender issues – and the consequences have been disastrous. This matters because we're not just talking about issues, we're talking about people. By failing to respond to transgender issues with truth and grace, we have caused great harm and damage in people's… Continue reading Christians Need To Understand Gender Dysphoria Better