
Why ‘Freedom of Speech’ vs. ‘Freedom from Consequences’ Doesn’t Make Sense

In recent debates about freedom of speech and censorship, it is often claimed that "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences." You can say what you want, it is argued, but that doesn't protect you from facing the consequences of your actions. As George Takei put it a few years ago: "'Freedom of speech'… Continue reading Why ‘Freedom of Speech’ vs. ‘Freedom from Consequences’ Doesn’t Make Sense

Culture · Faith & Life

Burning Widows: A Case Study Against Cultural Relativism

What right does a person in one culture have to tell someone else that their cultural practices are 'wrong'? In our modern Western society, anyone who tries to do so would surely be shouted down as arrogant and ethnocentric.  This is because of a popular idea called 'cultural relativism', which says each culture should be… Continue reading Burning Widows: A Case Study Against Cultural Relativism