Bible · Church · Faith & Life

Spiritual Disciplines and the Central Strategy for Fighting Guilt

For many of us, spiritual disciplines and guilt go together like chicken and garlic (it's a thing, trust me). As soon as someone even mentions having a daily quiet time our guilt radar gets a ping. We feel bad that we don't read the Bible enough, pray enough, and we can often feel that in… Continue reading Spiritual Disciplines and the Central Strategy for Fighting Guilt


40,000 Denominations Worldwide – Christianity Divided?

Some critics of Christianity are keen to point out that, according to best estimates, there are roughly 40,000 Christian denominations worldwide. This is an astoundingly large figure, and some see it as evidence that Christianity is divided. If Christians can't even agree among themselves, how can they make exclusive claims about absolute truth? After a quick search… Continue reading 40,000 Denominations Worldwide – Christianity Divided?