Faith On Campus Podcast

S3E7 – Would You Sacrifice Your Child? (Gen 22)

Would you sacrifice your child? In Genesis 22, God asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. It's a pretty well-known passage, but when you stop and think about it, it raises some pretty big questions. What kind of God would ask someone to do this?What kind of father would obey? Christopher Hitchens saw this… Continue reading S3E7 – Would You Sacrifice Your Child? (Gen 22)

Faith On Campus Podcast

S3E6 – No Retirement For This Man! (Howard Spencer)

In this episode of Faith On Campus we hear from Howard Spencer, who has been serving with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) for 24 years. Now, at the age of 66, he's at a point in life when many people would be thinking about slowing down and enjoying retirement. But not Howard! Instead,… Continue reading S3E6 – No Retirement For This Man! (Howard Spencer)